Toilet paper is wasteful, abrasive, and doesn’t even clean well
I will soon be hosting a discussion about entropy and its evil characteristics. The talking will go on both in Italian and French
The flow state is magical. Protect it. Ward off distractions
Asymmetric information is one of mankind’s biggest issues. A party with significantly more information about a deal’s object is incentivised to rip off the other
Scary is scarry: fear harms health. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill
Structural simplicity is not necessarily visual simplicity. Modular devices are structurally simple, but often physically bulky
My webstead has never had JS outside of some blog features
Familiar typefaces can help read quicker. That’s why I’m trying to reduce the amount of typefaces around me to just a few
I find it hard to read works of fiction as of late. My mind keeps telling me to toss the patently untrue...
Reality is negotiable, and all rules are malleable. Take advantage
North Korean starvation is not a food-shortage issue, but rather a deliberate tactic to keep people docile and obedient
Translations are never perfect: they lack subtlety of hue, losing double meanings and speechly quirks
Late dinners are dumb. I don’t need much energy when asleep
The perfect walk is done nude on sand next to the sea, amidst a clear sky and fresh morning air
I work no matter what, because that’s what we, men, are supposed to do. In fact, we need to work more—so future generations aren’t faced with work that is even more threatening
European clocks will be dialled forward by one hour tonight. This clock-switching ritual is not just pointless, but also deadly
Life is not lived thru a screen
There is nothing inherently evil about 15-minute neighborhoods and cities. It only makes sense to reduce the time it takes to get from one place to another
Now that the EU has popularised price caps, I say that we the people should introduce our own
Make your dreams come true now, before something unimaginable stops you from doing so later