Тег: Europe
Nearby river: Road sign: Address plaque
Piazza de Ferrari: The Ancient Port
More than two thousand years have passed since Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers gave us great wisdom
Here comes what I didn’t show in my Ventimiglia photopost
View: Likesome coral hues: Rolls-Royce looking-glass
The bus ticket: A lone poppy: Woven typography
The European Peace Facility is sending arms to Ukraine—something straight out of 1984
The United States is not Europe’s ally, and never was
Tuscan road views: Plaque with street name. Notice how the I was placed above the L
A river view: Building with nice texture: Eye-pleasing “Ristoratore” plaque
Clock at Milan Central railway station: Scooters
Red reflection: The bus’s honk: Honk Approaching the town
“An attack on one shall be considered an attack on all”... The North Atlantic Treaty’s Article 5 only partially deters attacks against weak member states
Moving on from Menton
The train’s exterior (the pattern below is based on the region’s coat of arms)
Mainstream Western propaganda compares Putin to Hitler, claiming that he won’t stop in Ukraine and aims to head for Europe
Now that the EU has popularised price caps, I say that we the people should introduce our own
The airport: Buildings
Euro banknotes are marked © ECB: This is a surprising admission of the truth: central banks are the only ones allowed to counterfeit dilute currency value by increasing its supply
Eliminating waste and pollution is a noble cause. But environmentalism today has been almost completely taken over by climate alarmists