Тег: freedom
I have my doubts about Telegram’s privacy, and thus prefer using SimpleX instead
Now that the elections are over, Eurocrats’ hands are no longer tied by accountability. They will be trying to pass chatcontrol legislation on Thursday June 20
Ukraine mobilised reserves. Russia mobilised reserves
My poster was present at a pro-freedom demonstration in Sanremo, Italy
A way to create internal friction so folk don’t unite against the state
The Digital Services Act is yet another European regulation stomping upon people’s freedoms
I will be giving a talk about the state of modern technology at Villa La Brise in Sanremo
Twitter is no longer free: only registered users can read tweets now
Italian legislators want to mandate license plates, insurance, and helmets for electric scooters
Utilitarianism breaches personal freedoms and leads to genocides. Even if its means were somehow justified, it puts too much trust in its operator; life cannot guarantee any certain outcome
Everyone, fellow or fellowship, has the inalienable right to self-determination
Hardly anybody knows that passports were introduced following World War 1 only as a temporary measure
I work no matter what, because that’s what we, men, are supposed to do. In fact, we need to work more—so future generations aren’t faced with work that is even more threatening
Science without conscience is a crime against nature. Ethics are fundamental
The United States is not Europe’s ally, and never was
Non-instant tax rebates are scams: all they do is replace income tax with inflation
Eliminating waste and pollution is a noble cause. But environmentalism today has been almost completely taken over by climate alarmists
A coach service and an airline both sent me emails warning to prepare for delays and cancellations due to staff shortages
The Eurosoviet Von der Leyen regime today presented a draft law on mandatory chatcontrol. The absolute surveillance it calls for is an attack on free society
I’m worried that mainstream media peddling lies about Ukraine will lead to more loss of life and freedom