
Тег: Marketing

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Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

A couple of years ago when I started jogging to eventually be able to run a half marathon, I used to look at my pace as a key metric to measure my progress

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

A career as a producer seems very attractive: you release a track → it hits the Beatport charts and big playlists on Spotify → that’s it, you’re a superstar

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

And where to start, what to write about, and why you shouldn’t blog on social networks

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

A few thoughts on the pictures from DJs’ gigs and advice based on my own failure

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

In December, I gave a talk at the Audio School in Moscow, where I shared my personal experience as a musician, and now it’s available on YouTube as well

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

As a music producer, should I post on every social media? Is it worth posting the same content on different social channels?