
Тег: programming

10 заметок   См. также:  design   Life   hues   feelings   me
Robert’s blog

There are various kinds of cybersecurity measures: organisational, legal, technological, and physical

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

In the second week of CS50, I was introduced to the notion of arrays and then given the following problem to solve as a practice

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I keep learning programming, and today I share my baby walkthrough of the second homework from the CS50 course titled Credit

Robert’s blog

Structural simplicity is not necessarily visual simplicity. Modular devices are structurally simple, but often physically bulky

Robert’s blog

Merceneros is a coöperative offering technical services to the Monero economy

Robert’s blog

My webstead has never had JS outside of some blog features

Robert’s blog

To write CSS and JS code, I use the code editor Nova. Its dark mode is acceptable but definitely not great

Robert’s blog

I feel great joy when finding and squashing bugs in my own programs

Robert’s blog

Weeks 16...20 ←→ Week 22

Ilya Birman’s Blog
Ilya Birman

While developing Ångström, the unit converter for the iPhone (check it out!), Alex Babaev and I have come up with the Ångström Style System