Тег: things
Paper straws suck... NOT! In the worst way mightly
Toilet paper is wasteful, abrasive, and doesn’t even clean well
Children with glasses disturb me. How did they break their eyesight so young?
Masks, even N99-kind, don’t stave off any viruses and only lead to dangerous Oxygen deficiency
People wearing AirPods are NPCs under mind-control, voluntarily frying their brains with harmful non-natural electromagnetic frequencies
Pleasant dimples
Eliminating waste and pollution is a noble cause. But environmentalism today has been almost completely taken over by climate alarmists
Cracking a can open is an audiotactile sensation even better than popping a bottle’s cork. No wonder Trump used to open six cans of soda at a time
A motorcycle is heavy and bulky. An electric scooter is light and compact
Clean, beautiful, and informative
Closed-back headphones should not leak any sound at all
Bad design: both sides are made of the same material. People sometimes rub with the side that’s supposed to be held
The bread roll is one of the greatest human inventions: it makes any simple ingredient that is boring by itself a proper food
Audioguides in museums are a sign that the story is not being told well enough visually
Light switches should always be inside the room that the lights are being switched in. Letting outsiders interfere in internal affairs is never a good idea...
Having a hand dryer and no paper towels in a restroom is a slap in the visitor’s face. There are hundreds of use cases for paper towels, the most basic being blowing your nose
Why do Chinese copycats trying to pretend they have the real thing always fail so badly? Why do they make it so obvious that what they’re selling is fake despite pretending it’s genuine?
Bad: hangers. I have to insert the hanger between the sleeves only to have my coat fall when I suspend the hanger on the rail
Rollable TVs have a little talked about advantage: they are compatible with any reasonable aspect ratio